Twelve institutions are involved in the STREST project. The main responsible persons are listed below:
The BAIP is formed of a representative of each of the 6 critical infrastructures considered in the project (see the Methods section). Its role is to provide data and recommendations for the application of the methods developed in the STREST project to the selected application sites. Members of the BAIP are:
The role of the IAB is to act as an advisory body to the project and to provide external assistance. The IAB consists of five prominent, internationally recognized experts in the field. Besides the advisory role, the purpose of this committee is also to foster further international cooperation and dissemination of results and knowledge, and to coordinate the STREST work with other international research activities in the fields of research represented in the project. Members of the IAB are (by alphabetical order):
© STREST - Harmonized approach to stress tests for critical infrastructures against natural hazards
Contact Us: SED, | Arnaud Mignan, Project Manager, | Domenico Giardini, Project Coordinator,